How do I create a customised layout using the Invoice Layout Wizard?Tom Butter2017-03-22T22:51:00+00:00
Click [Tools].
Click [Invoice Setup Wizard].
Choose ‘Create new invoice template’.
Enter a name for template and click [Next].
On this screen you can edit any details relevant to your business by clicking [Edit]. Make sure you click [Save] after making any changes. When you are happy with edit click [Next]
Choose ‘Yes’ to include remittance advice. Click [Next]
Choose which company details to print on remittance advice. Click [Next]
Choose your customers details to print on remittance advice. Click [Next]
Choose the Invoice Details you would like to appear. Click [Next]
Choose “Yes” to adding Direct Deposit/EFT to remittance bank. Enter in your relevant Bank details. Click [Next]
Choose ‘Yes’ to accept credit cards. Tick the relevant boxes. Click [Next]
You may add a logo on this page. It needs to be a JPG file and no larger than 339 x 154 pixels.Click [Browse] and navigate to where logo is saved on your computer
You may preview your invoice here by clicking [Preview].