[Enhancement] New User interface throughout the program

[Enhancement] New left side navigation menu allows user to navigate between sections with a single click

[Enhancement] New Business Dashboard provides a visual snapshot of your business in single page

[Enhancement] Click through option for Dashboard graphs. Clicking on a graph in Dashboard will take user to corresponding report

[Enhancement] Added Business Budget lets you set up a budget for your whole business rather than by account

[Enhancement] Ability to edit grid font size based on your preference.

[Enhancement] Colour scheme changes for more enjoyable bookkeeping.

[Enhancement] The addition of a ‘Private Use’ section to separate business and personal expenses.

[Enhancement] You can now set up reminders to appear within the program.

[Enhancement] Map bank statements for auto-allocation of income and expenses.

[Enhancement] A variety of reports can “Drill-Down” collective amounts and transactions. This allows the user to locate and view individual transactions that make up these amounts.

[Enhancement] You can create email message templates to auto-fill the message.