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7 Great Reasons to use Easy Accounting Software in your Small Business

As the owner of a small business you would probably rather be doing what you love and making money rather than doing your bookkeeping, right?

Most people find doing the accounting for their small business frustrating, but maintaining good records is so important, that it should really be as simple as possible! Well, here’s the good news- there is an easy fix to your bookkeeping woes.

Cashflow Manager is a simple small business accounting program that has been designed for people who run their own business and need to keep records, but don’t know much about accounting. Similarly, the simplicity of the program makes it easy for organisations like sports clubs and churches to have excellent records without their treasurer needing a degree in accounting.

Over 400,000 Cashflow Manager programs have been sold worldwide, and for one reason – it is so easy to use!

If you are still unsure whether Cashflow Manager is right for you, here are 7 great reasons to use Cashflow Manager to look after the accounting for your small business.

1. You will save time and money

Selecting a software program for your business that is simple to use will save you time as you won’t be spending hours trying to learn how to use it and getting confused with the double entry accounting concepts that many other programs require.  And if you can do your own bookkeeping, you won’t have to pay someone else to take care of it! To keep good records, you shouldn’t be expected to have studied accounting or to spend time away at expensive training courses. Cashflow Manager is so simple that you can up and running straight away. It also comes with 12 months free support, and a fantastic support library on the website to help you with anything you need along the way.

2. You can control your cash flow

Your small business needs to pay the bills! This means you need to have money coming into the business. An easy bookkeeping software program like Cashflow Manager can help you generate invoices and keep track of customers who owe you money. You also need to keep track of your payments, and Cashflow Manager GOLD can take care of this for you as well.

3. It will help you prepare your taxes

If the thought of searching for all the documents and receipts your accountant needs to complete your taxes makes you want to tear your hair out, then Cashflow Manager is perfect for you. All you need to do is record the money you spend and the money you receive in the relevant columns- it’s that simple! And if you keep on top of your accounts with Cashflow Manager, you can send all of this information straight to your accountant with a click of the mouse! And because you are using a program that you understand, the great quality of your records will make your accountant’s job easier too.

4. It will do the adding up for you

I think one of the best things about using accounting software is that you no longer need calculators or even good mathematical skills- the program calculates everything for you! This means that you are far less likely to end up with errors in your finances. With Cashflow Manager you just record your receipts and payments in the correct columns and the program will add the columns up all by itself! If you are registered for VAT, Cashflow Manager calculates the VAT for you. It’s also important that your records balance to your bank account, and Cashflow Manager makes that simple with a ‘wizard’ to help you out along the way.

5. Your invoices will meet HMRC rules

If you are VAT registered you must comply with certain formatting rules when invoicing customers, and Cashflow Manager helps you with this automatically. The ‘Invoice Manager’ section of the program allows you to prepare statements, track money owed to you by customers, as well as money you owe to suppliers. Cashflow Manager also helps you to lodge your VAT return from within the program.

6. It connects with your online banking

If the bank account for your small business is set up for online banking, Cashflow Manager can import your bank statement to make doing your bank reconciliation a breeze!

7. It is customisable

Every small business is different, so why should they all use the same bookkeeping layouts and templates? There are several different business templates that can establish the different columns you might need for your business type automatically. You can also modify your columns and customise the layout easily to suit your particular needs.
So there you have 7 of the many reasons I could give you to use a simple bookkeeping system like Cashflow Manager for your small business. As you can see, no matter what type of business you are running, small business accounting software is essential to your business operating efficiently and effectively.
But, the main reason you should choose Cashflow Manager is that it is so simple, as attested to by many accountants and small business owners. You can see some of their comments on the website.
So, if you are serious about taking control of your bookkeeping, get your hands on Cashflow Manager and get started now!

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